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The House Martin (Delichon urbica) is one of the three swallows that nests in Poland. This bird accompanies us in cities, towns and villages wherever there are open areas nearby. In April, he comes to us and builds cup-shaped nests stuck to the walls of buildings, usually outside. Such nests can be on the balcony, on the cornices, sometimes under bridges, by windows. The Hause Martin usually chooses the west or south face of a building or ceiling. It feeds on insects it catches in flight. It can eat several thousand insects a day, including mosquitoes. It happens that its nests are destroyed, even during breeding, mainly due to dirty building facades near the nest, despite the fact that this bird is a protected species. To prevent this, it is possible to renovate the facade of the building, but not earlier than in October, or to build artificial nests in order to help  the Hause Martin breed without conflict with humans. Caring for the nesting sites and habitats of Hause Marins is a leisurely walk every summer evening, without the use of insect repellants. Active bird protection is safety for humans and it is worth remembering.


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