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The White-tailed Eagle (Haliaeetus albicilla) is our largest bird of prey, with a powerful beak and a wingspan of up to 2.5 m. An adult White-tailed Eagle has a white tail, while the young are brown with numerous white patches. They reach sexual maturity only after 4-5 years. They build huge nests that they use for years, as long as no one bothers them. During harsh winters, you can meet large groups of birds in places rich in food, e.g. by unfrozen rivers or lagoons. The main food of the White-tailed Eagle is: fish, water birds, smaller mammals and in winter mainly carrion. In Poland, the White-tailed Eagle has been under protection since 1952. Their nests cannot be approached closer than 200 meters and 500 meters during the breeding season. The nest site is kept secret. The White-tailed Eagle, also known as the eagle, occurs throughout the country, but it is a rare breeding bird. It can be successfully found in Roztocze, especially now is a very good time to observe these majestic birds, as their mating season begins, which will last until the end of March. The image of the White-tailed Eagle is featured in the emblems of 25 countries, including Poland, where it proudly features a crown over its head - as befits the king of birds.


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