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Tawny Owl (Strix aluco) the most common owl in Poland. It occurs all over Europe, even in cities, and so, for example, in Warsaw its number is estimated at several dozen pairs. There are tens of thousands of pairs of tawny owls in total in Poland. Tawny owls, like other owls, feed mainly on rodents, they also do not disdain smaller birds, earthworms, lizards, snakes and even bats. This owl with a gray-brown color of feathers, the structure of which enables noiseless flight at night, is a bird of prey and territorial. In early spring, preferably on clear and windless nights, you can hear their voice. The males call the females and the females respond. When the eggs are incubated, they become silent. Young tawny owls call for their parents' food and only then can you realize that they are present in a given place. Tawny Owls lead a sedentary lifestyle and it happens that for years they occupy specific places in old hollow trees, which are less and less due to felling. At the same time, chemical treatment of agriculture and the use of rodent poison in the open, as well as collisions with vehicles at night are associated with a decrease in the number of these useful birds in Poland.


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